The Casa Verdi mission is to welcome travelers into a functioning community living environment.
Community means trust. Space / Economical
The ability to empathize with each other's feelings, emotions and ideas allows us to learn from each other while exploring the common places around and within us. Social diversification and condivision should be encouraged as a way to simplify individual existences in an ever growing social Matrix of human relations.
Community means time shared. Time / Sociological
We live with the intention of pursuing a good, fulfilling and simple life while spending part of our time welcoming new guests, cooking, eating, cleaning, talking, working, exchanging ideas and hosting events and debates.
Community means vision. Light / Political
Experiencing community living means also digging into each other dreams & utopias in order to better explore that which all of us could possibly call a common Utopia. We often have the chance to discover such transcendent panoramas just by carrying out mundane daily activities.
To conclude, we at casa verdi believe that most primary economic, sociological and political needs can be satisfied through a functional community that lives a space, shares time and works together towards a better future.
Casa Verdi has some special people amid their former residents